ceph metasearch - elasticsearch backend

Posted on Fri 21 April 2017 in Ceph • 1 min read


Fetch zonegroup configuration (json struct)
# radosgw-admin zonegroup get > /tmp/zonegroup.json

change the tier_type to elasticsearch

Import the configuration
# radosgw-admin zonegroup set --infile /tmp/zonegroup.json
Fetch zone configuration (json struct)
# radosgw-admin zone get > /tmp/zone.json

Add the following parameter endpoint & {url} for the section tier_config

    "tier_config": [
            "key": "endpoint",
            "val": "http:\/\/"
Import the configuration
# radosgw-admin zone set --infile /tmp/zone.json


# radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zonegroup={zonegroup-name} --rgw-zone={zone-name} --tier-config=endpoint={url}
Update & Commit
# radosgw-admin period update --commit

to be continued... part2