Quickstart guide with kolla-ansible (for rocky)

Posted on Fri 15 February 2019 in openstack • Tagged with openstack, kolla, ansible, howto, linux, notepad, work • 2 min read


  • kolla-ansible (testet with 7.0.1)
  • ansible (testet with 2.6.13)
  • epel-release (for centos)
  • python-pip

And some magic:

  • vagrant
  • vagrant-libvirt plugin
  • vagrant config


We will run all commands on our admin-node (vagrant ssh kolla-admin)

sudo yum install -y epel-release
sudo yum install -y python2-pip
sudo …

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openstack kolla - docker dependency tree

Posted on Thu 29 June 2017 in openstack • Tagged with openstack, kolla, linux, notepad • 1 min read

kolla dependency tree created via 

# kolla-build --save-dependency /tmp/kolla-dependency -p fullbuild