openvswitch and OpenFlow

Posted on Fri 04 September 2015 in Linux • 2 min read


Layer 1

ovs-ofctl del-flow BRIDGE
ovs-ofctl add-flow BRIDGE priority=500,in_port=1,actions=output:2
ovs-ofctl add-flow BRIDGE priority=500,in_port=2,actions=output:1
ovs-ofctl dump-flows BRIDGE

Layer 2

ovs-ofctl del-flow BRIDGE
ovs-ofctl add-flow BRIDGE dl_src=00:00:00:00:00:01,dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:02,actions=output:2
ovs-ofctl add-flow BRIDGE dl_src=00:00:00:00:00:02,dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:01,actions=output:1
ovs-ofctl add-flow BRIDGE dl_type=0x806,nw_proto=1,actions=flood
ovs-ofctl dump-flows BRIDGE 

Layer 3

ovs-ofctl del-flow BRIDGE
ovs-ofctl add-flow BRIDGE priority=500,dl_type=0x800,nw_src=,nw_dst=,actions=normal
ovs-ofctl add-flow BRIDGE priority=800,ip,nw_src=,actions=mod_nw_tos=184,normal
ovs-ofctl add-flow BRIDGE arp,nw_dst=,actions=output:1
ovs-ofctl add-flow BRIDGE arp,nw_dst=,actions=output:2
ovs-ofctl add-flow BRIDGE arp,nw_dst=,actions=output:3
ovs-ofctl dump-flows BRIDGE 

Layer 4

ovs-ofctl del-flow BRIDGE 
ovs-ofctl add-flow BRIDGE arp,actions=normal
ovs-ofctl add-flow BRIDGE priority=500,dl_type=0x800,nw_proto=6,tp_dst=80,actions=output:3
ovs-ofctl add-flow BRIDGE priority=800,ip,nw_src=,actions=normal
ovs-ofctl dump-flows BRIDGE 

Priority rules

When no priority is set is the default – 32768! Allowed values are from 0 to 65536. A higher priority will match at first.

dl_type and nw_proto

dl_type and nw_proto are filters to match a specific network packet. Generally dl_type is for L2 (matches ethertype) and nw_proto (matches IP protocol type) for L3 actions. For example:

  • dl_type=0x800 – for ipv4 packets
  • dl_type=0x86dd – for ipv6 packets
  • dl_type=0x806 and nw_proto=1– match only arp requests (ARP opcode, see Layer 2)
  • dl_type=0x800 or ip (as keyword, see layer 3 has the same meaning
  • ip and nw_proto=17 – udp packets
  • ip and nw_proto=6– tcp packets

Parameters for actions can be (excerpt)

  • normal – Default mode, OVS acts like a normal L2 switch
  • drop – drops all packets
  • output – define the output port for a packet/rule
  • resubmit – useful for multiple tables, resend a packet to a port or table
  • flood – forword all packets on all port except the port on which it was received
  • strip_vlan – remove a vlan tag from a packet
  • set_tunnel – set a tunnel id (gre & vxlan)
  • mod_vlan_vid – add a vlan tag for a packet
  • learn – complex foo 😉

ovs-ofctl man page

Example from a openstack node (w/ GRE, see table 22) – ovs flows from the br-tun device

[root@node1 ~]# ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-tun
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x0, duration=1221.218s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=1221, priority=0 actions=drop
cookie=0x0, duration=1221.323s, table=0, n_packets=747, n_bytes=54800, idle_age=0, priority=1,in_port=1 actions=resubmit(,2)
cookie=0x0, duration=1220.226s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=1220, priority=1,in_port=2 actions=resubmit(,3)
cookie=0x0, duration=1221.126s, table=2, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=1221, priority=0,dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00 actions=resubmit(,20)
cookie=0x0, duration=1221.051s, table=2, n_packets=747, n_bytes=54800, idle_age=0, priority=0,dl_dst=01:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00 actions=resubmit(,22)
cookie=0x0, duration=1220.974s, table=3, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=1220, priority=0 actions=drop
cookie=0x0, duration=1218.706s, table=3, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=1218, priority=1,tun_id=0x3f7 actions=mod_vlan_vid:1,resubmit(,10)
cookie=0x0, duration=1217.462s, table=3, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=1217, priority=1,tun_id=0x442 actions=mod_vlan_vid:2,resubmit(,10)
cookie=0x0, duration=1220.898s, table=4, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=1220, priority=0 actions=drop
cookie=0x0, duration=1220.821s, table=10, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=1220, priority=1 actions=learn(table=20,hard_timeout=300,priority=1,NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[0..11],NXM_OF_ETH_DST[]=NXM_OF_ETH_SRC[],load:0->NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[],load:NXM_NX_TUN_ID[]->NXM_NX_TUN_ID[],output:NXM_OF_IN_PORT[]),output:1
cookie=0x0, duration=1220.742s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=1220, priority=0 actions=resubmit(,22)
cookie=0x0, duration=1220.666s, table=22, n_packets=137, n_bytes=21860, idle_age=13, priority=0 actions=drop
cookie=0x0, duration=1220.093s, table=22, n_packets=610, n_bytes=32940, idle_age=0, hard_age=1217, dl_vlan=2 actions=strip_vlan,set_tunnel:0x442,output:2
cookie=0x0, duration=1219.970s, table=22, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=1219, hard_age=1218, dl_vlan=1 actions=strip_vlan,set_tunnel:0x3f7,output:2